
List of Functions Removed from WordPress 3.6 RC2 since Beta 3 (and Added too)

On an ongoing client project at X-Team, since the site was to launch in the summer we took the initiative to build a new site on WordPress 3.6 trunk “knowing” that it would be released before then, and so we could utilize the new Post Formats UI and functions that went along with it. Alas. […]


Do not change the default timezone from UTC in WordPress

I discovered something a bit surprising about WordPress related to timezones: WordPress explicitly sets and expects the default timezone to be UTC (in settings.php) and the date/time functions sometimes rely on the fact that the default timezone is UTC. For instance if you do date_default_timezone_set(get_option(‘timezone_string’)) and then later try to get a GMT timestamp from get_post_time() […]

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