This is real XHTML 2.0:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Here's a good place to put a comment. -->
<TITLE>Structural Example</TITLE>
<H1>First Header</H1>
<P>This is a paragraph in the example HTML file. Keep in mind
that the title does not appear in the document text, but that
the header (defined by H1) does.</P>
<LI>First item in an ordered list.</LI>
<LI>Second item in an ordered list.</LI>
<LI> Note that lists can be nested;</LI>
<LI> Whitespace may be used to assist in reading the
HTML source.</LI>
<LI>Third item in an ordered list.</LI>
<P>This is an additional paragraph. Technically, end tags are
not required for paragraphs, although they are allowed. You can
include character highlighting in a paragraph. <EM>This sentence
of the paragraph is emphasized.</EM> <!--Note that the </P>
end tag has been omitted-->.</P>
<IMG SRC="triangle.xbm" alt="Warning: "/>
Be sure to read these <B>bold instructions</B>.</P>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
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