Updates: Added note at end to respond to V1’s comment, and fixed the “awkward CSS syntax” which was actually a big typo (thanks Harmen).
The data:
URI scheme is now supported by the most current version of every major browser, including Internet Explorer. Because of this I wanted to use CSS background images encoded with data:
URIs in a current project at Shepherd Interactive. Why? The first rule of High Performance Websites is to Minimize HTTP Requests. By storing background images directly in the stylesheet only one HTTP request is then necessary to fetch the stylesheet and the images all at once. Furthermore, by giving that stylesheet a far-future cache expiration date the browser will never need to request it again.
However, while every browser vendor’s current version supports data:
URIs, older browsers like MSIE 7 do not. Therefore it is necessary to also have fallback CSS rules to serve externally-referenced background images. I came up a way of doing this by utilizing the following script which I place as an inline script in the document head
var data = new Image();
data.onload = data.onerror = function(){
if(this.width != 1 || this.height != 1){
document.documentElement.className += " no-data-uri";
data.src = "";
This script attempts to load a 1×1 pixel via a data:
URI. If the onload
callback fires and it detects that the image’s width and height are each a single pixel, then the browser supports data:
URIs. Otherwise the browser does not support such URIs and a class name is added to the document root so that fallback CSS rules can be written, for example:
#foo {
html.no-data-uri #foo {
background-image:url("images/foo.png"); /* fallback */
In this way, CSS rules can define background images that utilize data:
URIs only for browsers that support them, while at the same time older browsers still render the content properly due to the fallback rules. Note that for browsers that support data:
URIs, the fallback CSS rule above will never be applied and thus its externally-referenced background image will never be downloaded. However, if the browser does not support data:
URIs, then the resources will essentially be downloaded twice, but that’s the price you pay for using an old browser. In any case, when the images are tiny (<1KB) then the overhead is minimal for non-supporting browsers, and your development process is greatly eased since you don’t have to hassle with creating image sprites (which are sometimes impossible anyway); those who use current browser versions will be rewarded as will the generations of Internet users to come.
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