Category: AMP

  • Integrating with AMP Dev Mode in WordPress

    Integrating with AMP Dev Mode in WordPress

    tl;dr In v1.3 the AMP plugin for WordPress no longer has to remove the Admin Bar to keep pages valid AMP. The AMP plugin allows WordPress themes to be developed as usual and have their templates and stylesheets used to serve valid AMP pages. It does as much as possible to prevent serving invalid AMP…

  • AMP for JavaScripters

    AMP for JavaScripters

    Today at the JavaScript for WordPress Conference (#JSforWPConf), Felix Arntz and I gave a talk called AMP for JavaScripters about implementing interactive interfaces in AMP. Here’s the abstract we submitted for the talk: As we all know, adding JavaScript to a web page allows for dynamic page modifications. However, with that flexibility comes great responsibility:…