Category: News

  • We’re Having a Baby Boy!

    Five months in, I’m pleased to publicly announce that my wife and I are expecting a baby boy at the end of May! His name is “Asecret” 😉

  • Open Scriptures at BibleTech

    (This post has been cross-posted on the Open Scriptures blog.) For the past several years, I’ve been dreaming about an open source community-driven Web application for Scripture. In the past few months, things have really been kicking into high gear. At BibleTech:2009 I’m presenting the project in the talk Open Scriptures: Picking Up the Mantle…

  • Updated Site

    I’ve finally put together my website. I’ll be posting thoughts on this blog from time to time, mostly about web development, but also about culture, cycling, and life in Portland. This code on this site is XHTML5; it’s my first draft of the theme, so I’ll be making improvements over time. I also want to…