Category: Technology
Twitter Account Locked
Update: After more than three weeks, my account was unlocked. A few days ago, National Weather Service Portland tweeted: I replied: @NWSPortland Don’t forget graupel! BTW, I caught something frozen falling this afternoon in downtown. I also included a video of frozen precipitation bouncing off of a window ledge downtown. Now, if you don’t know:…
Spoken Word: Bringing Read-Along Speech Synthesis to the Web
Update 2020-01-16: Back in December 2009 I did a hackathon to create an HTML5 Audio Read-Along (demo) which highlighted the text of words spoken in the corresponding audio being played. To introduce the project I wrote: As I further note in the project’s readme, the process I used to create this read-along demo was extremely tedious. It…
Showing support for JavaScript and the Mozilla Developer Network
If you want to see access to JavaScript documentation improve on the Web, grab a copy of the code above from PromoteJS to boost the MDN PageRank. Dare I say, we must take the top spots away from W3Schools.
ECMAScript Proposal: Named Function Parameters
I recently ran across the ES wiki which is documenting proposals and features for new versions of ECMAScript (JavaScript). I was excited to see the spread operator “…” which basically brings Perl-style lists to JavaScript. I was also excited to see the spread-related rest parameters which basically implement Python’s positional parameter glob *args; however, I…
Programming Languages I’ve Learned In Order
Update: See also list on MY TECHNE. What follows are the programming languages I’ve learned in the order of learning them; their relative importance is marked up with big, and small indicates I didn’t fully learn or actually use the language. Perl 5 JavaScript / ECMAScript PHP 4 & 5 SQL Visual Basic 6 Java…
Proposal for Customizing Google’s Crawlable Ajax URLs
On the Shepherd Interactive site, we have a dynamic navigation menu in Flash. In order to prevent it from having to reload each time a page is changed, I implemented Ajax loading so that the SWF only has to load once. This is similar to what Lala and Facebook do. So if your browser is…
Browser Detection Fail
Being prompted on the Google home page to “Install Google Chrome” for “A faster way to browse the web” while I am already using Google Chrome for Mac: epic browser detection fail. Anyway, Chrome definitely is a faster way to browse the Web. It’s amazing!
Detecting Support for
URIsUpdates: Added note at end to respond to V1’s comment, and fixed the “awkward CSS syntax” which was actually a big typo (thanks Harmen). The data: URI scheme is now supported by the most current version of every major browser, including Internet Explorer. Because of this I wanted to use CSS background images encoded with…
Open Scriptures Presentation at BibleTech:2009
As previously announced, I had the privilege of presenting the Open Scriptures project at BibleTech:2009. Multimedia of the talk is available: